My brain is MUSH

Yes I know, I have been absent for a while and I will not promise that I will stay for long…well for this blog post (got cha!). On with my excuse of me being absent, well I can list them for you instead of going on a mundane explanation. 

List of reasons I've been…absent:
  1. Work
  2. Taking off school after graduating from high school
  3. Stressing about #2
  4. Even more stress about #2 and 3
  5. Laziness
  6. Even more laziness
  7. A serious obsession of pintrest
  8. And lot of other things (your typical life interruptions: constantly spending money on food)
BUT! I promise to write more just for the pure pleasure of my selfish needs and maybe for those who are reading this as we speak. NOW! Get off of here you crazy person and do something with your life no matter what time it is. Plan something. Try something. Hell…create something!

Yeah I am just going to go because my brain is in mush from reading for 4 hours of prehistoric Mesopotamia and Egyptian crap…THAT I DID NOT UNDERSTAND AT ALL! HOW DO YOU EVEN SAY GILGAMESH…WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT?! HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO REMEMBER THAT!

I need my Netflix fix…bye!

P.s Ashley